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10th NASS: CNG says electronic voting system, suspicious

…Alleges intimidation of northern aspirants


The Coalition of Northern Groups, CNG, said the introduction of an electronic voting system in the process of voting of leadership positions in the 10th Assembly in the National Assembly is suspicious.


CNG’s Spokesperson Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, in a statement, alleged that the system was meant to track the pattern of voting.

Suleiman warned that the group will not accept intimidation of northerners in the build-up.

According to CNG, Abdulaziz Yari and some of his strong support pillars have been targeted for arrest and to be intimidated out of the contest for insisting on due process.

Suleiman called on President Bola Tinubu to stop the ploy to intimidate anyone exercising his or her right to vote and to be voted for.

The statement read: “We understand too that the sinister plot also extends to aspirants to positions in the House of Representatives who are targeted for undue harassment and intimidation.

“This plot, as widely speculated, involves the introduction of a suspicious electronic voting system in the process meant to track the pattern of voting in the National Assembly.

“This realization and other manifestations of evil being perpetrated by some unscrupulous political merchants, who pose as his friends, are the reasons why from the onset, CNG cautioned the President against the antics of desperate political dealers with very negative intentions by allowing the legislators to freely and fairly produce their leaders.

“As concerned northerners and well-wishers of Mr. President, we feel duty bound to once again draw his attention to this brewing plot and to call on him to move quickly and reassert his commitment to good, impartial governance to halt this sinister plot that potentially aims to set him up against particularly the North.”

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